The Scaffolding Cultural CoCreativity Project

Diagram of provisional Scaffolding Cultural CoCreativity project elements from kick off workshop - April 2019

The Scaffolding Cultural Co-Creativity Project (SCCCP) is a multi-sited, 4 year project researching dynamics of creative collaboration and value co-creation across the three overlapping domains of Culture, Arts and Education.

Through collaborative action research case studies with partner projects and organisations in Australia and internationally, and mixed-method qualitative research with cultural practitioners, SCCCP is identifying and testing new frameworks for mapping cultural co-creativity. We are developing and disseminating tools and resources for practitioners and organisations to facilitate, sustain, embed and scale co-creative practices into diverse organisational and cultural contexts.
To learn more about the project visit our website at:   


Updated:  17 March 2022/Responsible Officer:  Centre Director/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications