Introduction to Repatriation: Principles, Policy and Practice

The Workshop
The repatriation of Ancestral Remains is a highly significant Indigenous achievement and inter-cultural development of the past 40 years. Participants will explore the practice, history, meaning and significance of repatriation for Indigenous peoples, museums and broader society.
The course will develop skills for successful repatriation practice; cover how to locate and return Ancestral Remains; the history of how, when, why Ancestral Remains were taken and the Indigenous response; the connection of repatriation to Indigenous law, culture, ethics, Country and community development; institutional, agency and government policy regimes; repatriation and its international context.
The course is designed for those interested and engaged in repatriation practice, research and policy-making, for example in community, museum, university and government sectors.
National and international repatriation experts from community organisations, museums and research institutions, many of whom are part of the Return Reconcile Renew research network.
Course Delivery
‘This 5-day intensive Professional Development (PD) course will be taught as an online only course. The online delivery platform will be Zoom and there will be a range of materials to read and watch before course commences available through the CCE Moodle platform. This will be provided to you on enrolment. The PD course has no assessments.’
Professional Development Fees: $3,000
Micro-credential Fees: $4,080
Grants are available to cover PD course fees for Indigenous community members, and discounts are available to organisations funding more than two participants.
How to Apply
Please apply through the dedicated ANU Centre for Continuing Education course page
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch. For enquiries or to access a copy of the detailed course outline, please contact Cressida Fforde at
Presenters in panel discussions and pre-recordings will be drawn from:
Winsome Adam (Win) is a research archivist based at the Centre for Heritage and Museum Studies at The Australian National University (ANU). As the lead archive curator on the Return, Reconcile, Renew digital archive, Win is responsible for the day-to-day curation, management and development of the archive. In 2020, Win commenced doctorate studies at ANU, focusing on the creation of a 'Ngarrindjeri National Archive' – a collaborative project with the Ngarrindjeri Nation in the Coorong (South Australia), exploring the shape and significance of a First Nations national archive. Win's current research interests include: First Nations archives; archives and repatriation; documenting histories of the removal and repatriation of Ancestral Remains; data mapping and visualisations; security and access to archives; software and web development.
Jacinta Arthur holds a PhD in Cultural and Performance Studies from University of California, Los Angeles. She serves as repatriation and research coordinator to the Rapa Nui Repatriation Program. From this position she currently leads a research reciprocation project for the development of a digital database of tao’a (Rapanui treasures) globally dispersed at holding institutions worldwide. She teaches in the MA Program in Cultural Heritage at Universidad Católica de Chile and conducts research on heritage management for the Rapa Nui Heritage Office. She lives in Rapa Nui.
Patricia Ayala has focused her research on the relationship between Indigenous people, archaeologists and the state, patrimonialization processes, neoliberal multiculturalism and disciplinary ethics. Her fields of interest cover decolonial, collaborative, Indigenous and public archaeologies. In Chile, Dr Ayala was the coordinator of public relations between the Atacameño Community and the Archaeological Research Institute and Museum of the Universidad Católica del Norte, where she also worked as an academic. In the United States, she was a visiting professor at the College of the Atlantic in Maine. In South America, currently she is a visiting professor of postgraduate programs at the Universidad de Chile and the Universidad de Buenos Aires. Patricia has made important contributions in the theoretical field and disciplinary reflections of archaeology, which have been published in various magazines and books. At the moment her research is focused on repatriation and reburial of indigenous human remains, as well as in anthropological biographies and life histories. She works as an associate researcher at the Abbe Museum for their Museum Decolonization project.
Edward Halealoha Ayau is of ‘Oiwi (Hawaiian) ancestry. Based on Hawai’I, he was raised in Ho‘olehua, Molokai, and attended Kamehameha Schools. He earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Redlands, a law degree from the University of Colorado, clerked for the Native American Rights Fund, worked as an attorney for the Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation, and served on the staff of US Senator Daniel Inouye. He later worked for the State Historic Preservation Division, where he managed the Burial Sites Program and helped promulgate Hawai‘i Administrative Rules Chapter 13–300 for Human Remains and Burial Sites. Halealoha served as the executive director of Hui Malama I Na Kupuna O Hawai‘i Nei, an organisation founded by Edward and Pualani Kanahele, who repatriated approximately 6,000 iwi kupuna (Ancestral Hawaiian Remains) and moepu (funerary possessions) from institutions in Hawai‘i, the continental United States, Canada, Australia, Switzerland, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and Germany from 1990 to 2015, before the organisation formally dissolved. Halealoha continues to work on international repatriation cases as a volunteer for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. He was a Facility Advisory Group member on the Restoring Dignity project, funded through the Australian Research Council (2018–2020), and an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Heritage and Museum Studies, ANU.
Amber Aranui is the researcher for the Karanga Aotearoa Repatriation Programme at the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, where she undertakes provenance research to aid in the return of Māori and Moriori Ancestral Remains back to their descendant communities. Amber is also a Research Associate in Māori Studies at Victoria University of Wellington – Te Herenga Waka. In her work as the programme’s researcher over the past 10 years, Dr Aranui developed an interest in the collection and trade of human remains and the effects this had on Indigenous peoples throughout the world. Amber gained a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology and Religious Studies from Victoria University, and a Master of Arts in Archaeology from the University of Auckland. She recently completed a PhD with Victoria University, focusing on Māori perspectives on repatriation. Amber is of Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Tāhinga, and Ngāi Tahu descent, and is dedicated to working with iwi Māori as well as other indigenous peoples throughout the world. Amber has a passion for research, especially relating to Māori history and Taonga Māori (material culture). She also has an interest in the wider Pacific.
Neil Carter was the Repatriation Officer for the Kimberley Aboriginal Law and Culture Centre (KALACC) until 2021. In this role he was responsible for the repatriation of Ancestral Remains and Secret/Sacred objects. His extensive experience of repatriation in the Kimberley region includes liaison with museums, organising the logistics of reburial events and undertaking all consultation with community groups to ensure appropriate repatriation and reburial processes. Neil was also a member of the Ministry for the Arts Advisory Committee on Indigenous Repatriation (ACIR) until 2015, and has had a key role as KALACC’s Community Based Researcher on the Return, Reconcile, Renew (2013-2016) and the Restoring Dignity (2018-2020) projects, both funded by the Australian Research Council.
Ned David is a Kulkalaig, a traditional owner from the Central Islands in the Torres Strait whose homeland Magan includes Tudu (Warrior Island), Iama (Yam Island), Gebarr (Gabba Island), Mucar (Cap Island), Sassie (Sassie Island), Zagai (Long Island), the surrounding reefs of Wapa (Warrior Reef) and Thidu (Dungeness Reef). He is the current Chair of several organisations in the Torres Strait including the Torres Strait Islanders Regional Education Council (TSIREC), the Magani Lagaugal Registered Native Title Body Corporate, and the Gur A Baradharaw Kod Torres Strait Sea and Land Council (GBK). Mr David has played a central role in repatriation efforts in the Torres Strait since 2009. He has led delegations to speak with international museums on repatriation matters, leading to the submission of repatriation claims which have produced the return of Torres Strait Old People from, for example, the Natural History Museum in London, the Liverpool Museum, and the Charité Hospital in Berlin. He was co-chair of the Australian Government’s Advisory Committee on International Repatriation, including for the national process of consultation regarding the establishment of a National Resting Place for unprovenanced Ancestral Remains. He was a Partner Investigator on the Return, Reconcile, Renew (2013-2016) and Restoring Dignity (2018-2020) projects, both funded by the Australian Research Council.
Jisgang Nika Collison belongs to the Kaay'ahl Laanas clan of the Haida Nation and is a life-long Nation-based scholar of all things Haida. She is executive director and curator of the Haida Gwaii Museum at Kay Llnagaay and has worked in the field of Indigenous language, arts and heritage for over 20 years. Deeply committed to reconciliation, Nika is a senior repatriation negotiator for her Nation and co-chair of the Haida Repatriation Committee, pursuing reparation and relationships with mainstream museums and other institutions on a global scale. She consults, publishes and lectures internationally and is the editor of Athlii Gwaii: Upholding Haida Law at Lyell Island (2018) and Gina Suuda Tl’l Xasii ~ Came To Tell Something: Art & Artist in Haida Society (2014), as well as co-editor, with Scott Steedman, of That Which Makes Us Haida—The Haida Language (2011). She currently sits on the Royal British Columbia Museum’s board of directors and the museum’s Indigenous Advisory and Advocacy Committee; the American Museum of Natural History’s Northwest Coast Hall restoration advisory table; and the newly formed Canadian Museum Association’s National Museums and Indigenous Issues Council.
María Luz Endere is a lawyer and an archaeologist. She has a MA in Museum and Heritage Studies and a PhD in Archaeology (Institute of Archaeology, University College London). Dr Endere is currently a senior researcher of the National Council of Science and Technological Research (CONICET) at the Institute INCUAPA and Professor of Law and Heritage Studies at the Dpt. Of Archaeology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of the Centre of Buenos Aires Province (UNICEN), Argentina. She is the head of the Heritage Studies Interdisciplinary Research Group named PATRIMONIA and director of the PhD in Archaeology Programme at the same University. Her research interests include legal protection of cultural heritage, indigenous people rights and public archaeology issues. She was a Facility Advisory Group member on the Restoring Dignity project (2018-2020), funded by the Australian Research Council.
Cressida Fforde is a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Heritage and Museum Studies at The Australian National University. From 2011 to 2019 she was Deputy Director of the National Centre for Indigenous Studies at ANU. Since 1991 she has undertaken research within the repatriation field for Indigenous communities and institutions internationally, particularly in the location and identification of Ancestral Remains through archival research. Professor Fforde’s work and publications have contributed significantly to scholarship in this area. She is recognised internationally for the knowledge she brings to repatriation practice and the analysis of the history of the removal and return of Indigenous Ancestral Remains. Since 2014, she has been the lead chief investigator for a number of Australian Research Council funded projects which undertake applied and scholarly research in repatriation. These include Return, Reconcile, Renew: understanding the history, effects and opportunities of repatriation and building an evidence base for the future (2013-2016); Restoring Dignity: networked knowledge for repatriation communities (2018-2020); Profit and Loss: understanding the global trade in Indigenous human remains in the past and present (2020-2023); Heritage and Reconciliation (2020-2023). She was primary editor of The Dead and Their Possessions: Repatriation in Principle, Policy and Practice (2002) and The Routledge Companion to Indigenous Repatriation: Return, Reconcile, Renew (2020). She is also primary editor of the forthcoming Routledge publication Repatriation, Science, and Identity. She is the author of Collecting the Dead: Archaeology and the Reburial Issue (2003).
Steve Hemming is a researcher at the Nation Building and Collaborative Futures Research Hub in the Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education and Research at the University of Technology Sydney. He was a long-time curator in the South Australian Museum’s Anthropology Division and has been working with Indigenous nations in South Australia for thirty years. He has worked for Indigenous organisations as a community researcher and Native Title anthropologist. More recently his research has focused on the colonial genealogies of cultural heritage and natural resource management and traditionalist understandings of Indigenous culture. He is also working on community development and governance programs with the Ngarrindjeri nation in South Australia. Professor Hemming was a chief investigator on the Return, Reconcile, Renew (2013-2016) and Restoring Dignity (2018-2020) projects, both funded by the Australian Research Council.
Hilary Howes is an Australian Research Council (ARC) DECRA Fellow in the Centre for Heritage and Museum Studies at The Australian National University. Her research to date addresses the German-speaking tradition within anthropology and archaeology, focusing on Austrian, German, Russian and Swiss collectors and collecting in Australia and the Pacific region during the long 19th century. Her current project ‘Skulls for the Tsar: Indigenous Human Remains in Russian Collections’ (2021-2024) offers the first detailed investigation of the acquisition of Indigenous human remains from Australia, New Zealand, and the broader Pacific by the Russian Empire during the long 19th century. She was previously a postdoctoral fellow on Matthew Spriggs’ ARC Laureate Fellowship project The Collective Biography of Archaeology in the Pacific: A Hidden History (2015-2020) and an employee of the Australian Embassy in Berlin (2011-2015), where her responsibilities included facilitating the repatriation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ancestral remains from German collecting institutions.
Honor Keeler (Cherokee) is a PhD Scholar at The Australian National University. She is currently a Visiting Assistant Professor at Brown University and a member of the NAGPRA Review Committee in the United States. She has been Assistant Director of Utah Diné Bikéyah and was founding Director of the International Repatriation Project at the Association on American Indian Affairs. She is well regarded for her expertise in repatriation and sacred lands protection matters and has worked extensively to support Indigenous repatriation efforts, including bringing the legal, policy, and legislative concerns of Native Americans in international repatriation and sacred lands protection to national and international forums. Honor was in charge of coordinating repatriation of Wesleyan University collections to Native Nations, and the development of related Protocols, as well as teaching university courses on repatriation within a cultural resources and cultural property context. She is author of A Guide to International Repatriation: Starting an Initiative in Your Community (2015) and ‘Indigenous International Repatriation’ (2012), published by the Arizona State University Law Review. Honor co-edited The Routledge Companion to Indigenous Repatriation: Return, Reconcile, Renew (2020) with Cressida Fforde and Timothy McKeown. She graduated in 2010 with a JD and Indian Law Certificate (clinical honours) from the University of New Mexico School of Law and from Brown University with a bachelor's degree in anthropology (anthropology honours).
Gareth Knapman is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Heritage and Museum Studies at The Australian National University and is the post-doctoral researcher on the ARC-funded project Profit and Loss: understanding the global trade in Indigenous human remains in the past and present. He previously worked on two projects undertaken by the Return, Reconcile Renew repatriation research group, of which he is a member. He has worked as a curator and repatriation officer at Museum Victoria’s Indigenous Cultures department and has written extensively on museum collections and collecting, making significant contributions to Australian Aboriginal history. He is a leading authority on nineteenth-century British colonialism in Southeast Asia. His recent book, Race and British Colonialism in Southeast Asia (2017), creates a new understanding of colonial Southeast Asia.
Cara Krmpotich is a museum anthropologist, associate professor, and Director of the Museum Studies Program at the University of Toronto. She is a member of the Great Lakes Research Alliance for the Study of Aboriginal Arts and Cultures, and, thanks to her research with the Haida Repatriation Committee and Pitt Rivers Museum, author of The Force of Family: Kinship, Repatriation and Memory on Haida Gwaii and co-author of This is Our Life: Haida Material Heritage and Changing Museum Practice.
Gavan McCarthy is an Honorary Research Fellow in the Arts Faculty, University of Melbourne. He was Director of the eScholarship Research Centre at the University of Melbourne from 2007 until its disestablishment in 2020. His research, based on action research methodologies, is in the fields of social and cultural informatics, and relational knowledge. As a practising archivist with a focus on digital scholarship (rather than digital humanities) his goal is the building of sustainable digital information resources and services to support research, now and in the future. He has been awarded five ASA Mander Jones Awards for publications relating to archival science and contributions to archival practice. He became an active member of the International Council on Archives in 1995, playing various roles in the Section on Universities and Research Organisations and contributing to the development of archival documentation standards in particular the XML schema, Encoded Archival Context. Of note is his increasing engagement through the last two decades with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and researchers, in the capture and transmission of knowledge in transcultural settings.
C. Timothy McKeown is a legal anthropologist whose career has focused exclusively on the development and use of explicit ethnographic methodologies to document the cultural knowledge of communities and use that knowledge to enhance policy development and implementation. He has been intimately involved in the documentation and application of Indigenous knowledge to the development of U.S. repatriation policy since 1991. For 18 years, he served as a Federal official responsible for drafting regulations implementing Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), developing databases to document compliance, establishing a grants program, investigating allegations of failure to comply for possible civil penalties, coordinating the activities of a Secretarial advisory committee, and providing training and technical assistance to nearly 1000 museums and Federal agencies and 700 indigenous communities across the U.S. He has served as Partner Investigator on multiple grants from the Australian Research Council. He is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the National Centre for Indigenous Studies, Australian National University, and a visiting instructor in Cultural Heritage Studies, Central European University.
Wes Morris is Co-ordinator for the Kimberley Aboriginal Law and Culture Centre (KALACC) and plays a key role in fund-raising for this organisation. Between 2009 and 2013, Wes was a member of the Western Australian Government Collections Advisory Committee. At KALACC he has had extensive involvement in managing, planning and securing funding for KALACC’s repatriation program and establishing a number of Kimberley Keeping Places for returned Ancestral Remains and secret/sacred objects. He was KALACC’s Partner Investigator on the Return, Reconcile, Renew (2013-2016) and Restoring Dignity (2018-2020) projects, both funded by the Australian Research Council.
Lyndon Ormond-Parker is an independent consultant and Honorary Research Fellow with the Centre for Heritage Museum Studies at The Australian National University. He was born in Darwin and of Alyawarr descent from the Barkly tablelands region of the Northern Territory. Dr Ormond-Parker has been a member of the Australian Heritage Council and the Australian Government Ministry for the Arts Advisory Committee for Indigenous Repatriation. Since the 1990s he has worked extensively in the repatriation field both as a practitioner and scholar, and his expertise is recognised internationally. His research experiences of documenting and cataloguing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander human remains in Britain and European institutions in the late 1990s. He has advocated for a National Resting Place for unprovenanced ancestral remains for over 20 years. His work has been recognised by the Australian academy, holding two Australia Research Council Fellowships, working in cross-disciplinary pursuits in cultural anthropology, cultural heritage, community broadcasting, information technology and archiving. He has extensive engagement within Indigenous communities geographically (e.g. Warmun, Kununurra, Fitzroy Crossing, Broome WA and Wadeye, Alice Springs and Yirrikala, NT), organisationally (e.g. Thamarrurr Development Corporation, Wadeye, NT; Warmun and Waringarri Art Centres, WA; Mulka Centre, Yirrikala, NT, and the Kimberley Aboriginal Law and Cultural Centre, Fitzroy Crossing, WA), and professionally (e.g. First Nations Media Association, Indigenous Community TV (ICTV), AIATSIS and National Film and Sound Archive), as well as with governments (e.g. Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council, Heritage Victoria). Dr Ormond-Parker has been involved in advocacy, policy development, research and negotiations at the local, national and international level focused on Indigenous communities in the area of information technology, cultural heritage, materials conservation and repatriation.
Michael Pickering is currently Senior Curator at the National Museum of Australia. He has worked with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organizations, State and Territory Heritage Agencies, and museums. Dr Pickering moved to the National Museum of Australia as the Director of the Repatriation Program in 2001, later taking on the role of Head of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Program, from 2004 to 2011. He then moved to the Research Centre. From 2013 to 2014 he was the Acting Head of the Australian Society and History Program. In 2015 he took up the position as Head of Research Centre. Dr Pickering has a wide range of research interests and has published numerous articles on topics including political cartoons, material culture, cannibalism, settlement patterns, exhibitions, ethics and repatriation. He was a Partner Investigator on the Return, Reconcile, Renew (2013-2016) and Restoring Dignity (2018-2020) projects, both funded by the Australian Research Council.
Laurie Rankine, Junior is a citizen of the Ngarrindjeri nation with significant experience in Ngarrindjeri cultural heritage management and working within the Ngarrindjeri community. Laurie has worked with the Ngarrindjeri Regional Authority (NRA) heritage team since 2010, where he was first introduced to Ngarrindjeri repatriation research and practice. Laurie is the NRA’s media officer and uses film to document Ngarrindjeri stories and achievements, including those around repatriation. He is also a member of several Ngarrindjeri committees and working groups and was a Partner Investigator for the NRA on the Return, Reconcile, Renew project (2013-2016) and a Project Officer on Restoring Dignity (2018-2020), both funded by the Australian Research Council
Daryle Rigney, a citizen of the Ngarrindjeri nation, is Director of the Nation Building and Collaborative Futures Research Hub in the Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education and Research at the University of Technology Sydney. He is a board member of the Australian Indigenous Governance Institute and member of the Indigenous Advisory Council, Native Nations Institute, University of Arizona. Professor Rigney’s academic and community work currently focuses on developments in Indigenous nation building and governance following colonisation. He has published widely and influentially on these topics. Professor Rigney was a chief investigator on the Return, Reconcile, Renew (2013-2016) and Restoring Dignity (2018-2020) projects, both funded by the Australian Research Council.
Major Sumner (Uncle Moogy) is a senior Ngarrindjeri man and has been a leading figure in Ngarrindjeri repatriation since the 1990s. He has been involved in repatriation negotiations with national and international museums and undertaking ceremony at handover events, welcome home ceremonies and reburials. He has been Chair of the Ngarrindjeri Heritage Committee and works closely with the Ngarrindjeri heritage team in the planning of reburials. Uncle Moogy was appointed as a member of the Advisory Committee on Indigenous Repatriation (ACIR) in 2015 and is also a member of the Restoring Dignity Facility Advisory Group, providing advice to the project on a range of issues that assist the development of the Return, Reconcile, Renew digital archive.
Paul Tapsell (Paora John Tohi te Ururangi Tapihana) is Ngāti Whakaue and Ngāti Raukawa. Professor Tapsell is widely experienced representing Māori people and their interests including, for example, as Director Maori at the Auckland War Memorial Museum (2000-2008), Co-convener of the Cultural Heritage and Museum Programme at the University of Auckland (2000-2008), and, from 2009, Dean and then Professor of Maori Studies at the School of Maori, Pacific and Indigenous Studies at the University of Otago. Professor Tapsell has played a leadership role in the development of museum and government policy pertaining to the repatriation of Māori human remains and Taonga (objects of high cultural significance) as well as providing advice and submissions to overseas deliberations. He was appointed Director Research and Collections at Museums Victoria in Melbourne in 2017 and is currently Professor of Australian Indigenous Studies at University of Melbourne’s School of Culture and Communication.
Luke Trevorrow is a citizen of the Ngarrindjeri nation with extensive experience in Aboriginal cultural heritage and natural resource management. From an early age he has worked with Ngarrindjeri Elders, organisations and the community concerning the repatriation of Ngarrindjeri ancestral remains. Since 2009, Luke has coordinated the Ngarrindjeri Regional Authority (NRA) heritage team which has responsibilities including the care and protection of Ngarrindjeri burials. Luke has been involved in significant partnerships and projects with universities, museums and other research and educational organisations and was a Partner Investigator for the NRA on the Restoring Dignity project (2018-2020), funded by the Australian Research Council.
Paul Turnbull is an emeritus professor in digital humanities and history at the University of Tasmania, and holds honorary professorships at the University of Queensland and the Australian National University. Since the early 1990s, he has acted as a consultant researcher for various Indigenous Australian representative organisations, museums and the Australian Government’s International Repatriation Program. He has written extensively on Western scientific interest in the bodily remains of Australian and other Indigenous peoples and their repatriation. He is the author of Science, Museums and Collecting the Indigenous Dead in Colonial Australia (Palgrave, 2017). His recent publications include several essays in The Routledge Companion to Indigenous Repatriation: Return, Reconcile, Renew, edited by C. Fforde, C.T. McKeown and H. Keeler (2020).
Andreas Winkelmann is a German medical doctor and anatomist by training with an additional MSc. degree in medical anthropology from Brunel University in London. He has worked as a physician in hospitals in Germany and the UK and has taught anatomy to medical students in Basel, Switzerland, and Berlin, Germany. In Berlin, where he worked from 1999, he developed a strong interest in the history and ethics of anatomy and was at times responsible for the historical collections of the anatomy department. Together with Thomas Schnalke, director of the Berlin Medical History Museum, he headed the Charité Human Remains Project (2010-2013), which started provenance research on Berlin anthropological collections with a focus on Namibia and Australia. Between 2011 and 2014, at Charité, he organised repatriations to Namibia, Australia, and Paraguay. Since 2014, he has chaired the Federative International Committee for Ethics and Medical Humanities of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA). In 2015, he moved to a newly founded medical school in Neuruppin, near Berlin, but continues researching the history of human remains in colonial collections, particularly from Australia and New Zealand. He was a Partner Investigator on the Restoring Dignity project (2018-2020), funded by the Australian Research Council.
Images from past courses in the Kimberly and on Ngarrindjerri country.