The Concept(s) of Heritage The Thirteenth International Conference of Young Researchers in Heritage

How might public policies, in caring for witnesses of memory or collective experience, surpass the principle of exclusion? How can research contribute to the identification of what, in a given community or environment, constitutes heritage (whatever the name that it is given) and the implications of this notion on the heritage practices of conservation and valuation? How do we manage conflicts of values, representations and uses to which this awareness of multiple notions of heritage open the door?
With participants from seven countries, this Thirteenth International Conference of Young Researchers in Heritage probes these questions in order to examine the concept(s) of heritage, its various meanings, interpretations and uses of across the globe. This conference will seek to examine the ontologies of heritage; that is, how the concept of heritage has changed over time, how is it changing presently, and what this might bring for the future.
An event organised by the Centre for Heritage and Museum Studies, Australian National University and The Canada Research Chair in Urban Heritage at the University of Quebec, Montreal
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